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AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: deep pot magnet sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Alnico Rectangular Bars magnets sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Alnico Rectangular Bars magnets sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Alnico ring magnets sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: holding magnet sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Base Alnico Magnets. sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: 15x8x10mm sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: D30x10x5mm sliver: sliver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: D10x10mm sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: education magnet sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: D100 -50-10 sliver: sliver
Einstellbare Kaltluftpistole Druckluft VORTEC Typ 610-1BSP, 15 H

Einstellbare Kaltluftpistole Druckluft VORTEC Typ 610-1BSP, 15 H

Die stufenlos einstellbare Kaltluftpistole Modell 610BSP ist ideal für den Einsatz bei maschinellen Bearbeitungsvorgängen und für die Kühlung von Werkstücken und industriellen Prozessen. Das Modell 610 hat eine flexible Düse für die Ausrichtung des Kaltluftstroms. Die Kaltluftrate kann auf das optimale Niveau für Ihre jeweilige Applikation eingestellt werden. Der maximale Temperaturabfall beträgt 55°C unter die Einlaßlufttemperatur, die max. Kühlleistung liegt bei 227 kcal/h. Druckluftanschluß Modell 610BSP: 425 SLPM bei 6,9 bar. Besondere Merkmale: Kühlung ohne Kältemittel (CFC/HCFC) und ohne bewegte Teile, also zuverlässig und störungssicher Keine Elektrizität, eigensicher, keine HF-Störungen Integrierter Schalldämpfer für geräuscharmen Betrieb gemäß den OSHA-Lärmschutzanforderungen betrieben mit gefilterter Werkstattluft, 5-7 bar Zolltarifnummer : 84198998 Ursprungsland: USA Gewicht: 1,6 kg
gelötete Plattenwärmetauscher

gelötete Plattenwärmetauscher

Gelötete Plattenwärmetauscher stellen eine der effizientesten Arten dar, Wärme zu übertragen. Gelötete Wärmetauscher sparen Platz, Energie und Wartungsaufwand. Gelötete Plattenwärmetauscher* stellen eine der effizientesten Arten dar, Wärme zu übertragen. Sie werden entwickelt, um eine beispiellose Leistung, bei niedrigsten Lebenszykluskosten, zu bieten. Wenn Sie sich bei Ihrem nächsten Heiz- oder Kühlprojekt für eine löttechnische Lösung entscheiden, dann bringt Ihnen das viele Vorteile. Dadurch sparen Sie unter anderem Platz, Energie sowie Wartungsaufwand. Im Vergleich zu anderen Technologien sind gelötete Plattenwärmetauscher extrem kompakt. Der ökologische Fußabdruck kann nur ein Zehntel des Fußabdrucks eines Rohrbündelwärmeüberträgers bzw. die Hälfte des Fußabdrucks eines Dichtungsplattenwärmetauschers betragen. Außerdem werden keine Dichtungen oder anderes Stützmaterial benötigt, somit werden 95% des Materials zum Wärmeaustausch verwendet. Dank des hochturbulenten Durchflusses werden auch kleine Temperaturunterschiede effizient genutzt. In der Regel reinigen sich gelötete Plattenwärmetauscher, dank des hochturbulenten Durchflusses, selbst. Bei Anwendungen mit einem hohen Bewuchs- oder Verkrustungsrisiko wird das Verfahren Cleaning in Place ganz einfach und ohne Demontage angewandt. Bei Bedarf fragen Sie die CIP-Reinigung bei Arimex PWT-Service GmbH an.
Wirbelrohre 208 BSP-25H VORTEC Tube Kühlung Industrie

Wirbelrohre 208 BSP-25H VORTEC Tube Kühlung Industrie

Unsere Wirbelrohre sind in einer breiten Größenskala für unterschiedliche Prozess- und Punktkühlungsanwendungen lieferbar. Sie bieten noch höhere Kühlleistungen als unsere Kaltluftpistolen. Merkmale: Kühlung ohne Kältemittel (CFC/HCFC) und bewegte Teile, also zuverlässig und störungssicher. Keine Elektrizität, eigensicher, keine HF-Störungen. Kompakte und leichte Bauweise, also mühelose Installation, auch in schwer zugänglichen Bereichen. Allgemeine Merkmale: Stat. Warennummer: 84198998 Ursprungsland: USA Gewicht 0,2kg / Stück Kühlleistung 440 Watt bei einem Luftverbrauch von 708 slpm bei 6,9bar. Drastische Senkung des Druckluftverbrauchs